
This docs cover Code-only documents and assumes you have a basic understanding of Markdown and/or LaTex

Custom tags

Additional to what's available in Markdown, there are several custom tags that you can use:


The content wrapped with this tag will use the Computer Modern Font, which is KaTeX's default font:

# My document

This content used the Computer Modern font


Normal font


The content wrapped with this tag will render as Math. You can always use $$ if you prefer:

# My document

My formula:
C^2 = A^2 + B^2


C^2 = A^2 + B^2

<justify>, <left>, <center>, <right>

This tags help with content alignment:

# My document

This content is justified

This content is aligned to the left

This content is centered

This content is aligned to the right


This tag will insert a Mermaid chart:

# My document


  graph TD;

See What is Mermaid?


Inserts a new page (this will only be reflected when printing)

# Page 1

This the first page


# Page 2

This is the second page